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Transfer Pricing

Italy’s Transfer Pricing Regime and IRAP

Autori: Piergiorgio Valente e Salvatore Mattia The IRAP is Italy’s regional business tax. Established by Legislative Decree No. 446 of December 15, 1997 (the IRAP Decree), the IRAP is levied on the independent and regularly exercised activities of production or…
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Transfer Pricing and Related Parties Disclosures

Autore: Piergiorgio Valente To ensure the respect of the arm’s length principle, Italian Law mandates that companies’ financial statements include proper disclosures regarding transactions with related parties. Piergiorgio Valente, managing partner of Valente Associati GEB Partners explains the logistics of…
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Italian Regional Production Tax and its Impact on Taxpayers

Autore: Piergiorgio Valente IRAP is a regional production tax (established by Legislative Decree No. 446 of 15 December 1997, the so-called “IRAP Decree“) levied on independent and regularly exercised activities of production or exchange of goods and/or provision of services. Piergiorgio…
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La Nuova Disciplina sui “Safe Harbours”

Autore: Piergiorgio Valente La constatazione dell’obiettiva difficoltà di determinazione del prezzo di trasferimento, in determinate circostanze e per specifiche operazioni infragruppo, nonché la presa di coscienza dell’influenza che le analisi soggettive del management aziendale assumono in tale processo, hanno spinto l’OCSE…
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