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Piergiorgio Valente

Official Bulletin on International Tax Ruling in Italy

Autori: Piergiorgio Valente e Caterina Alagna On March 19 2013, the Italian Revenue Office published the second edition of the International Tax Ruling Bulletin (bulletin), about three years after its first edition (April 14 2010). Piergiorgio Valente and Caterina Alagna…
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Arm’s-Length Value of Royalties: Italian Case Law

Autore: Piergiorgio Valente The international transfer pricing of goods and services between associated enterprises is regulated by article 110, paragraph 7, of the Italian Income Tax Code (TUIR), which provides that intercompany transactions can be carried out in accordance with…
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Cina: Investimento Diretto o Passaggio ad Hong Kong?

La Cina rappresenta un mercato sempre più in espansione per le aziende italiane ed europee. Le strutture societarie che vengono maggiormente utilizzate consistono nell’investimento diretto e nella costituzione di una sub-holding ad Hong Kong. Quest’ultima, essendo stata una colonia britannica,…
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