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Piergiorgio Valente

Tax Governance e Tax Risk Management

Autori: Piergiorgio Valente, Giampiero Ianni e Fabrizio Toscano La tax governance risponde all’esigenza di assicurare la gestione e la prevenzione dei rischi connessi alla variabile fiscale con l’obiettivo di tutelare gli interessi della società e dei suoi azionisti e di…
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Autori: Piergiorgio Valente, Emanuela Fusa, Luca Luigi Tomasini, Alberto Tron, Luigi Vinciguerra e Stefano Zambon L’agevolazione denominata patent box è un incentivo che consiste in una variazione in diminuzione da operare nella determinazione della base imponibile dell’IRPEF o dell’IRES, nonché…
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Tax Uncertainty Is a Certain Global Risk

In March 2017, the OECD and the IMF published a report on tax uncertainty (Report) confirming that such uncertainty exists and impacts on business and investment. Similar was the outcome of an earlier survey one year ago by the Oxford…
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Latest Developments on Country-by-Country Reporting

Pubblicato su: IAFEI Quarterly 36th Issue, April 2017 The Decree of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance for the implementation of Country-by-Country reporting (hereinafter, “CbCR”) in Italy was issued on 23 February 2017. The latter provided for reporting obligations…
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