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Antonella Della Rovere

Automatic Information Exchange Comes to Italy

Published in: TP Week In December 2016, the Italian Council of Ministers presented to Parliament the Draft Legislative Decree for the implementation of Directive 2015/2376/EU. The decree sets out automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation, in particular…
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Italy’s Anti-BEPS Struggles

Published in: TP Week The OECD-recommended measures to counter tax evasion have been integrated in the language routinely used by tax advisers, businessmen and by other interested parties as well. Without implementation however, it would be much ado about nothing.…
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Communitarian Tax Base in Two Steps

Approccio in due distinte fasi per la base imponibile comunitaria: nella prima fase, l’accordo tra gli Stati membri dovrebbe essere raggiunto sulla base imponibile comune, allo scopo di far conoscere alle imprese e agli Stati membri stessi i vantaggi connessi…
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Tackling Money Laundering: New EU Measures

La Commissione europea ha adottato una proposta di direttiva – COM(2016) 450 final – che modifica la IV direttiva Antiriciclaggio. Le nuove misure rafforzano la normativa comunitaria sul riciclaggio e il finanziamento del terrorismo. Tra le disposizioni proposte, anche quelle…
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