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Antonella Della Rovere

Italy Refines Transfer Pricing Methodology

On May 14 2018, the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance issued a decree providing guidelines for the application of the Italian transfer pricing provisions, following relevant public consultation (the decree). The Italian transfer pricing provisions, art. 110 para. 7…
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Italy Refines Transfer Pricing Methodology

Published in: TP Week – 24 May 2018 On May 14 2018, the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance issued a decree providing guidelines for the application of the Italian transfer pricing provisions, following relevant public consultation (the decree). The…
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Cooperative Compliance: The Italian Framework

Pubblicato su: TPWeek On May 26 2017 the Italian regime on cooperative compliance was further clarified by the Italian Revenue Agency (IRA or tax administration) by virtue of a new regulation (provvedimento). Antonella Della Rovere and Federico Vincenti of Valente…
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Italy: Changes to the TP Framework

On April 24 2017, a new law decree (N. 50/2017) introduced changes to the Italian transfer pricing framework. Antonella Della Rovere and Federico Vincenti from Valente Associati GEB Partners look at the changes. In a nutshell, the Italian provision on…
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Country-by-Country Reporting Finally Arrives in Italy

Published in: TPWeek In February 2017, the Italian Ministry for Finance issued the long-awaited ministerial decree for the implementation of country-by-country reporting (CbCR) in Italy – Ministerial Decree No. 23 of February 23 2017. Antonella Della Rovere and Filipa Correia…
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