News & Updates
by Valente Associati GEB Partners & Crowe Valente
GUIDA PRATICA AL TRANSFER PRICING – Comparabilità, Benchmarking, Prassi Applicativa
Authors: Piergiorgio Valente, Antonella Della Rovere, Pietro Schipani, Federico Vincenti
To order the book, click here
The Importance of Mutual Agreement Procedures in International Tax Disputes
The mutual agreement procedure (MAP) is an instrument for the resolution of international tax disputes whenever a person considers that
A Review of Advance Tax Agreements in Italy
Advance tax agreements are binding agreements between taxpayers and the Italian Revenue Agency aimed at enhancing tax compliance and promoting
Rethinking the Top-Line and Realignment of the Bottom-Line in a Post-Covid Landscape
As many countries around the world are facing the second wave of the Covid-19 crisis, and given the evolving restrictive
Italy Amends Regulation of Advance Rulings
The 2021 Budget Law introduced significant innovations regarding advance rulings (including advance pricing agreements) provided for by Italian legislation (Article
Italy Publishes Updated 2020 Transfer Pricing Documentation Guidance
On November 23 2020, the Italian Revenue Agency published a provision by which it amended the Italian regulation on transfer
Piergiorgio Valente Re-elected as President of the CFE Executive Board for 2021 – 2022 – CFE Tax Advisers Europe
CFE Tax Advisers Europe is pleased to announce that a new Executive Board for the period of 2021-2022 was elected
Piergiorgio Valente named as Tax Controversy Leader in World Tax’s dedicated Leaders series
Piergiorgio Valente of Valente Associati GEB Partners/ Crowe Valente – Italy named as Tax Controversy Leader in World Tax’s dedicated
ESTEROVESTIZIONE DELLE SOCIETÀ – Identificare le Patologie, Prevenire i Rischi, Gestire le Verifiche Fiscali
Authors: Piergiorgio Valente e Danilo Massimo Cardone
To order the book, click here
Mutual Agreement Procedure Rules Transposed into Italian Law
With Legislative Decree No. 49/2020 published on June 10 2020, the Italian legislator approved the decree implementing EU Directive 2017/1852
COVID19: The Challenges for International Taxation
Introduction Except for the unprecedented health crisis, the COVID-19 spread has generated the biggest economic and financial shock of the
Italien: Steuervorbescheid für Neuinvestitionen – Mehr Rechtssicherheit bei Investitionen
Mit Gesetzesdekret Nr. 147/2015 sollen Investitionen in Italien gefördert werden. Dafür erhalten Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen die Möglichkeit, ihre Aktivitäten auf
Assessing Inter-Company Transactions and Accounting Implications during Economic Uncertainty
Inter-company financial transactions During periods of crisis, the financial sector may experience significant repercussions on transactions. The disruption to normal
Performing a Comparability Analysis during an Economic Downturn
Since December 2019, countries have witnessed the widespread impact of COVID-19 on economic activity, global value chains and profitability across
Antonella Della Rovere Joins IWBank’s Board of Directors
Milan, Italy – April 20, 2020 – IWBank today announced that Antonella Della Rovere, partner of Crowe Valente, has been
In Memoriam of Giuseppe Barranco Di Valdivieso
It is with deep sadness that the CFE Tax Advisers Europe Executive Board Members and CFE Office Team join together
TP Liabilities on Criminal Tax in Italy: Assessing, Adopting and Avoiding
During the course of tax audits, Italian tax authorities often challenge the value of the goods or services subject to
Taxing the Digital Economy: a Realistic Goal for 2020?
An ambitious project. New year. New resolutions. From an international taxation perspective, the resolution to reach in 2020 is a
IVA IN PRATICA – Guida ai Principi Generali e Adempimenti
Author: Raffaele RIzzardi
To order the book, click here
GIOCHI E CRIMINALITÀ – I Dadi di Tyche tra Probabilità, Potenzialità e Prospettive
Authors: Piergiorgio Valente, Gianluca Campana, Michele Donega and Filippo D’Albore To order the book, click here
Italy Issues Changes to the Operation of Country-by-Country Reporting
The Ministry of Economy and Finance has produced some amendments regarding the use of the data and information contained in
Strategic Partnership with European Parliament
In October 2019, CFE Tax Advisers Europe celebrated its 60th Anniversary under the high patronage of the European Parliament, with
Advance Pricing Arrangements: Optimal Tool – Optimal Framework?
Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) are a diffused tool for taxpayers to obtain certainty in relation to the tax impact of
Global Tax Advisers’ Platform
GTAP: 2019 Convention On 3 October 2019, the Global Tax Advisers’ Platform (GTAP) members convened in Turin. Outcome of the
Taxation in the Future – A New EU: Vision and Impact
The Change of Scenery On 1 December 2019, the von der Leyen Commission took over for the coming 5 years,
Evaluating TP Policies in Loss-Making Companies
During tax audits, tax authorities frequently focus on companies within multinational groups that book steady losses over several years. In
Italy Amends its Patent Box Regulation
The patent box regime was introduced in Italy with the Legge di Stabilità 2015 and has been subject to amendments
Quattro Priorità per Equità ed Efficienza dei Sistemi Fiscali Internazionali
La Global Tax Advisers Platform (“GTAP”), piattaforma internazionale che rappresenta oltre 600.000 consulenti in Europa, Asia e Africa i cui
Let’s Meet in Matera and Celebrate IAFEI’s 50th Anniversary
In the year in which IAFEI celebrates its 50th anniversary, the 49th Congress of IAFEI will take place in Italy
Mobility Monday’s – Transfer Pricing, How Costs of Employees is Born and Cross Charged
Tax issues and global mobility go hand in hand. There can be tax matters for the employee and for the
EXPATRIATES ALL’ESTERO E ESTERI IN ITALIA – Profili fiscali, giuslavoristici e previdenziali (2019)
Authors: Piergiorgio Valente e Guglielmo Burragato
To order the book, click here
Authors: Piergiorgio Valente, Ivo Caraccioli e Raffaele Rizzardi
To order the book, click here