The Earth occupies the ordered space, shaped by Time, which, by disciplining it, transforms it into a creative force. The Earth, a place of nourishment and change, both undergoes and fuels the eternal becoming: it carves furrows in its path, creating and destroying, never stopping. Man, by educating Time, has extracted raw materials from the Earth’s depths to shape Beauty. Thus, human craftsmanship, when educated in the measure and balance of parts, transforms into an ideal techne, capable of paving the way for progress and sustainable growth.

The reconstruction of an ancient dialogue between Man and Nature restores to man his humanitas, a consciousness rooted in the past, which becomes both a teaching and a warning, projecting itself towards the foundation of a sustainable future. In this process, man recognizes his moral duty to the Earth, committing to the respect and conservation of humus, the very foundation of life.

(Rediscovering) the value of Beauty means finding a sustainable rationality: a moderate movement that places man at the center, born from the Earth and extending to the Territory, with the aim of building a lasting balance between progress and respect for the environment.
