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GEB Partners

BEPS Action 15: Release of Multilateral Instrument

Published in: Journal – Intertax (Issue 45.3) The release of the Multilateral Instrument constitutes an important step towards the most significant re-write of international tax rules in a century. It is the multilateral convention enabling the simultaneous amendment of more…
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Automatic Information Exchange Comes to Italy

Published in: TP Week In December 2016, the Italian Council of Ministers presented to Parliament the Draft Legislative Decree for the implementation of Directive 2015/2376/EU. The decree sets out automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation, in particular…
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Tax Rulings and Advance Pricing Agreements in Italy

Published in: Tax Notes Int’l, Jan 30 2017 Tax rulings and advance pricing agreements are making headlines. The European Commission is undertaking unprecedented investigations into member states’ APAs with multinationals and has recently invalidated several of them based on fiscal…
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Changing the Italian Tax System

Italy has embarked upon the challenging task of redesigning its tax system. The Act of late November 2016 (hereinafter, “Act”) constitutes a best-practices example, or at least for our Country. The above Act illustrates the national fiscal policy for the…
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Changing the Italian Tax System

Italy has embarked upon the challenging task of redesigning its tax system. The Act of late November 2016 (hereinafter, “Act”) constitutes a best-practices example, or at least for our Country. The above Act illustrates the national fiscal policy for the…
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