ArcheoArt is sharing ideas, insights and reflections on the past. From the Paleolithic to the present day, heterogeneous perspectives, differentiated approaches and unusual gazes grant a rediscovery of ancient splendor in the everyday.
History shows its guidelines and illuminates the present with new awareness. Fuzzy visions of distant worlds dissolve, revealing progressive glimpses of unexpected beauty.
The keyword: curiosity, to rediscover our roots and face the future.
Cult of the Mother Goddess
Mothers are the primordial symbol of the generative power of life in its cyclical structure.
Nature represents the cycle of life and death: it is the biological chain that holds mortals in its grip.
The Mothers are owed the worship celebrating the power of blood.
Indeed, it is a law of blood: both in its lunar cyclical nature of fertility; and in the harshness of fate, whereby what is born deserves to die; and in the strength of constraint and compensatory vengeance.
Mar 21, 2018
Mothers Who Have Written To Us
Venus of Hohle fels It is the oldest representation of the human body from the Paleolithic era (basal Aurignacian) – older by about 5,000 years compared to other Gravettian Venuses – created by Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon) in Europe (cf. Nicholas J. Conard, A female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern Germany, Nature 459, pp. 248-252, May 14, 2009).”
Mar 21, 2018
Humankind and the Mother Goddesses
For I am she who is first and last,
I am she who is worshipped and scorned,
I am she who is a harlot and a saint,
I am a wife and a virgin,
I am a mother and a daughter,
I am the arms of my mother,
Hymn to Isis (Nag Hammadi, Egypt, 4th-3rd century BC).”
Mar 21, 2018