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GEB Partners

Global Tax Advisers’ Platform

GTAP: 2019 ConventionOn 3 October 2019, the Global Tax Advisers’ Platform (GTAP) members convened in Turin.Outcome of the meeting was the Turin-Busan Declaration, setting four key priorities for the fair and efficient operation of national and international tax systems. Pubblicato…
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Centoquaranta Professionisti per LawOneTax

Fiscalisti, avvocati, consulenti. In questi giorni di fine 2019 ha preso forma il progetto LawOneTax. Di fatto, assistiamo alla nascita di una nuova insegna sul mercato dei servizi legali. Di primo acchito potrebbe sembrare un network. Ma non è così.…
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Evaluating TP Policies in Loss-Making Companies

During tax audits, tax authorities frequently focus on companies within multinational groups that book steady losses over several years. In these companies, behind the losses authorities often find transfer pricing policies that are not in compliance with the arm’s-length principle.…
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